田中雄大郎実家の不用品をどうするか悩んでいる際にこちらの会社を紹介していただき電話での見積もりや作業日まで一つ一つ丁寧に教えていただけたのでとても助かりました。 また用事があればお願いしようと思います。 あり...実家の不用品をどうするか悩んでいる際にこちらの会社を紹介していただき電話での見積もりや作業日まで一つ一つ丁寧に教えていただけたのでとても助かりました。
(Translated by Google)
When I was worried about what to do with unnecessary items in my parents' house, they introduced me to this company, and they were very helpful as they gave me a detailed estimate over the phone and gave me detailed information about the work to be done.
I would like to ask you again if I have anything to do.
thank you very much. -
Mimyマンションからの引越しと不用品回収、更に畳と襖の張り替えをお願いしました。張り替えを迷っていた襖1枚サービスで張り替えて頂きました。作業もはやく、スムーズに終わりました。ありがとうございました。 (T...マンションからの引越しと不用品回収、更に畳と襖の張り替えをお願いしました。張り替えを迷っていた襖1枚サービスで張り替えて頂きました。作業もはやく、スムーズに終わりました。ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
We asked them to move out of the apartment, collect unnecessary items, and replace the tatami and sliding doors. I was unsure about having to reupholster my sliding door, but they replaced it using the one-piece sliding door service. The work was completed quickly and smoothly. thank you very much. -
Soda Ramune母の家のかたずけをしてたくさん出てきた不要品を処分するために利用させて頂きました。 LINEでスムーズに連絡が取れ、他の業者に断られた物も引き取りしてもらいとても助かりました。 また何かあればお願いしま...母の家のかたずけをしてたくさん出てきた不要品を処分するために利用させて頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it to get rid of a lot of unnecessary items I found while cleaning up my mother's house.
I was able to communicate smoothly on LINE, and they were very helpful in accepting items that were refused by other companies.
If you have anything else, please let me know. -
山本凌大この度は明石にて不用品会社をネットにて検索したところもぐらサポートさんの口コミが大変評価が良く、お電話させて頂きました! 電話の対応や作業も口コミ通りでした! ありがとうございました (Translated by...この度は明石にて不用品会社をネットにて検索したところもぐらサポートさんの口コミが大変評価が良く、お電話させて頂きました!
(Translated by Google)
This time, I searched online for a company with unnecessary items in Akashi, and Mogura Support's reviews were very positive, so I called them!
The phone response and work was just as the reviews said!
thank you -
yuta a今回不用品処分でお願いしました! 見積もり担当の方の対応がとても良かったです!! (Translated by Google) This time I asked for the disposal of unnecessary items! The estimator was very responsive! !今回不用品処分でお願いしました!
(Translated by Google)
This time I asked for the disposal of unnecessary items!
The estimator was very responsive! ! -
sih本日は母親の実家の家財処分にてお世話になりました。 スピーディな対応と作業、良心的な金額で大変満足です。 ありがとうございました (Translated by Google) Today, I helped my mother dispose of her fami...本日は母親の実家の家財処分にてお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Today, I helped my mother dispose of her family's belongings.
I am very satisfied with the speedy response, work, and reasonable price.
thank you -
竹井洋史本日は大阪まで少し遠い距離でしたがエアコン、冷蔵庫などの不用品を回収しにきて頂きました! いろんな相見積もりをとらして頂いたのですが、この会社が1番やすく、対応もはやかったです😊 引っ越しもやってい...本日は大阪まで少し遠い距離でしたがエアコン、冷蔵庫などの不用品を回収しにきて頂きました!
(Translated by Google)
Although it was a little far to Osaka today, they came to collect unwanted items such as air conditioners and refrigerators!
I received a lot of quotes, but this company was the easiest and quick to respond to.😊
I heard that you are also moving, so I will be contacting you as I am planning to move again soon!
Thank you very much for this time 😆 -
鈴木れいこの度は、母の婚礼家具や不用品等の回収、リフォームのための家具の移動をお願いしました。 手際の良い作業だけでなく、親しみやすいお人柄で、ここに頼んで良かったなぁと思いました。 また次回もこちらでお願...この度は、母の婚礼家具や不用品等の回収、リフォームのための家具の移動をお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
This time, we asked them to collect my mother's wedding furniture and unnecessary items, and to move the furniture for renovation.
I'm glad I chose to work here, not only because of their skillful work, but also because of their friendly personality.
I would like to order here again next time!
Thank you very much 😊 -
ゆりこの度は豊岡への実家への引っ越しでお世話になりました。 他社とも比較させて頂きましがレスポンスも早く料金も1番安く大変助かりました。 必要ない不用品も綺麗に回収して頂きありがとうございました また何か...この度は豊岡への実家への引っ越しでお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for helping me move to my parents' house in Toyooka.
I compared them with other companies, and they were very helpful and the response was quick and the prices were the lowest.
Thank you for cleaning up unnecessary items.
If there is anything else, please let me know -
まゆこの度は朝来市と少し遠いところからお願いしましたが見積もりから作業まで嫌な顔一つせずとても良い対応で感謝致します。 不用品がとても多く タンス、冷蔵庫、テレビ、粗大ゴミ多数、金庫、カーペット等本当に...この度は朝来市と少し遠いところからお願いしましたが見積もりから作業まで嫌な顔一つせずとても良い対応で感謝致します。
(Translated by Google)
This time, I requested work from Asago City, which is a little far away, and I was very grateful for the excellent service from the estimate to the work, without a single unpleasant look.
There are so many unnecessary items
There was a huge amount of chests of drawers, refrigerators, TVs, large pieces of trash, safes, carpets, etc., but they all were collected. I'm glad I asked Mogura Support. My parents are also very happy!
This time, thank you very much! -
junjunj今回引っ越しするにあたり、 不必要な家具などを引き取って頂きました。 結構雑においてましたが丁寧&綺麗に持っていってくれました。 助かりました(^^ お値段も手頃でよかったです また機会あればお願いします...今回引っ越しするにあたり、
(Translated by Google)
When moving this time,
We took away unnecessary furniture and other items.
Although it was quite messy, they took it carefully and neatly.
Thank you for your help (^^
The price was reasonable and it was good.
I would like to work with you again if you have a chance. -
森本一義大変、良心的なら価格で、して頂き、 ていねい、 て゛した (Translated by Google) If you are very conscientious, please do it at a reasonable price. Be careful, It was hot大変、良心的なら価格で、して頂き、
(Translated by Google)
If you are very conscientious, please do it at a reasonable price.
Be careful,
It was hot -
クゥちゃん先ほどは旦那が口コミを書きましたが私からも書かせて頂きます。 遠方から母の遺品整理で実家の片付けをお願いしました。 立ち会いは作業完了後だけでしたがとても対応がよく安心してもぐらサポートさんにお願い...先ほどは旦那が口コミを書きましたが私からも書かせて頂きます。
(Translated by Google)
My husband wrote a review earlier, but I will write one as well.
I asked someone from afar to clean up my parents' house to sort out my mother's belongings.
Although I was only able to attend after the work was completed, Mogura Support was very responsive and I was able to rely on Mogura Support!
I was introduced to this place by a friend in Kobe, and it was really nice.
I didn't have time to thank you directly, so I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.
Thank you very much.
Thanks to Mogura Support, I think I'll have a great New Year's Eve🎵 -
竹中くるみこの前は老人ホームに入居するにあたって生前整理をお願いしましたが電話から見積り作業までスムーズに丁寧に対応していただいて嬉しかったです。 予定よりも早く終わり若くても丁寧で礼儀正しいスタッフさん4名...この前は老人ホームに入居するにあたって生前整理をお願いしましたが電話から見積り作業までスムーズに丁寧に対応していただいて嬉しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
The other day, I asked for some sorting before I moved into a nursing home, and I was very happy that everything from the phone call to the estimate work was dealt with smoothly and courteously.
Thank you to the 4 young but polite and courteous staff who finished earlier than planned!
I'm glad I asked Mogura Support! !
I will introduce you to my acquaintances again.
I look forward to working with you again if you have the opportunity!
Thank you very much❗️ -
森本引っ越しの際に不用品等の廃棄で依頼しました。 仕事で忙しくかなり困っていましたが費用、スピード、人柄全て完璧でした。 何社か利用した事ありますが圧倒的に良かったです。 周りにも勧めれるくらいもぐらサポ...引っ越しの際に不用品等の廃棄で依頼しました。
(Translated by Google)
I requested this service to dispose of unnecessary items when I moved.
I was busy with work and had a lot of trouble, but the cost, speed, and personality were all perfect.
I have used several companies and they are by far the best.
Mogura Support is my choice and I have recommended it to everyone around me. -
Torazi Haizi今回は大阪の引越しに伴い不用品回収ありがとうございました。 テレビ、洗濯機等重たいものもありましたがスムーズに運びだしていただきとても満足致しました。 次も是非もぐらサポートさんにお願いしたいです! ...今回は大阪の引越しに伴い不用品回収ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you very much for collecting unnecessary items during my move in Osaka.
We had some heavy items such as a TV and washing machine, but they were moved smoothly and we were very satisfied.
I would definitely like to ask Mogura Support again next time! -
雨城甘楽引越しに伴う不用品回収でお世話になりました。 私1人で重たくて要らなくなったタンス、冷蔵庫、その他粗大ゴミ等どうしよか迷っていました。 知らない業者に頼むのも少し不安が有りましたが電話対応も良く、見積...引越しに伴う不用品回収でお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for helping us collect unwanted items when we moved.
I was alone and wondering what to do with the heavy and unnecessary chests, refrigerators, and other bulky trash.
I was a little nervous about hiring a company I didn't know, but they were very responsive over the phone, and I was able to meet with them at the time of the estimate, so I felt at ease.
On the day of the work, I was glad that I had asked Mogura Support to do the job so efficiently.
Thank you very much for this time♪ -
三浦秀太大量のゴミと重いものがあったのり、冷蔵庫、家電、タンス類ふとんなど自分ではどうしようも出来ませんでしたが嫌な顔ひとつもしないで、さらに細かい作業もして頂き本当に助かりました。 作業も早く嬉しかったで...大量のゴミと重いものがあったのり、冷蔵庫、家電、タンス類ふとんなど自分ではどうしようも出来ませんでしたが嫌な顔ひとつもしないで、さらに細かい作業もして頂き本当に助かりました。
(Translated by Google)
There was a lot of garbage and heavy items, such as the refrigerator, home appliances, dressers, and futons, so I couldn't do anything about it myself, but they didn't make a single disgusted face and did even more detailed work, which was really helpful.
I was happy that the work was done quickly.
If you want to dispose of it, it is better to ask Mogura Support.
By the way, I got quotes from two companies.
I have no regrets at all!
Thank you again. -
かわいかすみこの度自宅の片付けでお世話になりました。 先月広島の実家の片付けで違う業者さんにお願いしたのですがその業者さんも対応がとても良く不用品回収のイメージが変わり今回おうちの片付けをしたいと思い、もぐらサ...この度自宅の片付けでお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for helping me clean up my home.
Last month, I asked a different company to clean up my parents' house in Hiroshima, but the company was very responsive and my image of collecting unwanted items changed.This time, I wanted to clean up my house, so I asked Mogura Support.
I was introduced to a contractor in Hiroshima, and everything from the phone call to the estimate and the work was very satisfactory.
When I asked if he could help with heavy items, he politely declined, saying he didn't want the customer to get hurt, and I was satisfied with the service from beginning to end.
It was really helpful because I had heavy items such as bulky garbage in the refrigerator and chest of drawers.
I thought I would ask Mogura Support again the next time I came across some unwanted items.
Thank you very much for this time. -
振角菜穂ホームページに「最安値」と記載がありますがその宣言に相違はないと思います。 もぐらサポートさん含め他社3社に見積もりをお願いしましたが圧倒的な安さでした。 この度冷蔵庫、タンス、洗濯機などなど、遺品整...ホームページに「最安値」と記載がありますがその宣言に相違はないと思います。
(Translated by Google)
The homepage says "lowest price", but I don't think there is any difference in that declaration.
We asked for quotes from three other companies, including Mogura Support, and the prices were overwhelmingly low.
We recently asked them to sort out some belongings such as a refrigerator, chest of drawers, washing machine, etc., and the work was done quickly, and we were able to have a satisfactory transaction from start to finish without having to collect any additional fees.I am very pleased.
If you have a chance, please come again next time. -
ぽいぽいエアコンの取り外しから全て対応してもらいました。 大変助かりますました。 思い物ばかりでどうしようかと思っていたので、、、 また機会あれば次も依頼します (Translated by Google) We took care of everyt...エアコンの取り外しから全て対応してもらいました。
(Translated by Google)
We took care of everything from removing the air conditioner.
Thank you very much for your help.
I was wondering what to do with all my thoughts, so...
If I have a chance, I will order again next time. -
姫路勇晴この度はありがとうございました。 またよろしくお願いします。 (Translated by Google) Thank you very much for your time. Thank you again.この度はありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you very much for your time.
Thank you again. -
長代修この度はありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) Thank you very much for your time.この度はありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you very much for your time. -
takane je
Y Tこの度は不用品がたくさん有りもぐらサポートさんにお願いしました。 神戸の両親の介護するために大量のゴミなどの 大型の家具を処分する為にお願いしました。 2階からの冷蔵庫、洗濯機、タンス他の所では無理と...この度は不用品がたくさん有りもぐらサポートさんにお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
This time, I had a lot of unnecessary items and asked Mogura Support.
To take care of my parents in Kobe, I collected a large amount of garbage, etc.
I requested this service to dispose of large furniture.
I was told that it was impossible to access the refrigerator, washing machine, and dresser from the second floor anywhere else.
I was treated very well!
Stories from the staff who came
Responds in a clear and bright manner
It was really good. -
def ABC先週は不用品処分、回収ありがとうございました。 女性スタッフの挨拶、愛嬌とても良かったです。次引っ越す時もよろしくです。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for disposing and collecting unwanted items...先週は不用品処分、回収ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for disposing and collecting unwanted items last week.
The female staff's greetings and charm were very nice. I look forward to working with you next time you move. -
ちゃんゴリ洗濯機、冷蔵庫お願いしました、とても対応が早くて、またお願いしたいと思います (Translated by Google) I asked for a washing machine and a refrigerator, and the response was very quick, so I would li...洗濯機、冷蔵庫お願いしました、とても対応が早くて、またお願いしたいと思います
(Translated by Google)
I asked for a washing machine and a refrigerator, and the response was very quick, so I would like to request them again. -
吉都紀玲奈不用品回収の回収を相談するのか初めてで不安でしたが、とても親切に案内いただけたので安心してお願いすることができました。また困ったことがあれば相談させてください。 (Translated by Google) I was nervou...不用品回収の回収を相談するのか初めてで不安でしたが、とても親切に案内いただけたので安心してお願いすることができました。また困ったことがあれば相談させてください。
(Translated by Google)
I was nervous about consulting with them about collecting unwanted items for the first time, but they guided me very kindly, so I felt at ease. If you have any problems again, please let me know. -
kei takeuchi対応がとても親切で好感が持てました。ご提案いただいた金額にも納得できましたので、また同じような悩みがでたら相談させていただきます。ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) The response was v...対応がとても親切で好感が持てました。ご提案いただいた金額にも納得できましたので、また同じような悩みがでたら相談させていただきます。ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
The response was very kind and I had a good impression. I was satisfied with the amount you suggested, so I will consult with you if I have similar problems again. thank you very much. -
小森和義この度は急な依頼だったのですが潔く対応して頂きありがとうございました。料金も作業内容、対応大変満足でした。次も機会があればまたもぐらサポートさんに頼もうと思いました。またよろしくお願いします。 (Tr...この度は急な依頼だったのですが潔く対応して頂きありがとうございました。料金も作業内容、対応大変満足でした。次も機会があればまたもぐらサポートさんに頼もうと思いました。またよろしくお願いします。
(Translated by Google)
This was an urgent request, but I would like to thank you for your prompt response. I was very satisfied with the price, work content, and response. I would like to ask Mogura Support again if I have a chance next time. Also thank you.